Blue Dot is a physical triptych of interactive screens and an online interactive platform that both explore burnout culture. Both interpret the short story “Transfer Student” by Davy Brooks, which tells the story of a teenage robot, Nessie, visiting Earth. She’s programmed to understand humanity, but has trouble doing so through structures that value productivity. She is able to toggle between two ways of seeing - a calm, unmoving view that allows her to see the quiet essence of the room she is in, and an anxious, digital extreme that makes details impossible to discern. As she spends more time on earth, however, the former becomes more difficult. Her time on Earth is deemed a failure and she is sent back to space. 

The installed screens show an interactive animation through a custom cut and dyed acrylic. Corresponding dials allow the viewer to fluctuate the animation between the two extremes or anywhere in between.
The online interactive platform allows viewers to scroll through the narrative and experience the animations through their personal computers.